Understanding how we show up to others is the key to creating a climate of growth.
This weeks blog is about When we act from a mindset of growth, our personal and interpersonal growth habit puzzle pieces fit and flow well together. This is important because:
All of us are contributing to our local research culture simply by being present.
You can take ownership of the contribution you make to your research culture but it is not something that you can turn on, or turn off.
Everyone is influenced by the interactions we have with others.
Many of us are unaware that our actions are having an impact (directly or in-directly) on others around us.
Our mindset influences whether we have a positive (mindset of growth) or negative (mindset of survival) impact on others and our local research culture.
When we act from a mindset of growth, our personal and interpersonal growth habit puzzle pieces fit and flow well together (see image above). This enables us to have the impact we desire and to create a positive climate of growth for others working around us.
When we act from a mindset of survival, our personal and interpersonal growth habit puzzle pieces become inefficient and blocked (see image above). This makes it more challenging to have the impact we desire and can create a climate of survival for others working around us.
To be the change that we want to see in the world and create a climate of growth for others working around us:
we need to feel that I’m okay and you’re ok.
we need to be aware of our own feelings and the feelings of others.
we need to be able to give ourselves and others space plus treat ourselves and others with compassion.
we need to take ownership of the choices we make and be respectful of the choices others make.
we need to find an appropriate way to share what is true for ourselves and support others to share what is true for them.
REMEMBER: It takes 66 days to develop a new habit, but just 1 day to start. #bethechange #mindsetmatters
STEP 1: Decide whether you want to be more curious or be more present or be more choiceful. If you are struggling to decide which aspect to want to work on, then you may find it helpful to complete our Mindset Indicator self-assessment tool to indicate which aspects have a tendency more towards survival than growth.
STEP 2: Commit to one small thing that you can do every day to enable you to be more curious or be more present or be more choiceful. Complete one of our Mindset self-assessment tools to receive personalised feedback and habit change suggestions.
STEP 3: Do it. Each and every day for 66 days. If you miss doing your thing on one day you don't need to let it de-rail you. Tomorrow is a new day, and you can try again. If you complete one of our Mindset self-assessment tools you will also receive access to our 66-day habit change tool and app to help you succeed!